

My research fields are spectral and differential geometry. My research interests include the spectral theory of differential and pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with singularities, hyperbolic geometry, spectral invariants, microlocal analysis, conformal geometry, inverse spectral problems, and scattering theory.

Research Stay

During July-December 2022 I was a Simons-CRM Research Fellow at the CRM Institute of the Université de Montreal and a Visiting Professor at CIRGET of UQAM, Montreal, Canada. During that time I was on leave from my job at Universidad del Norte.

Conferences and events organized:

Summer school Geometric, algebraic and topological methods in QFT took place in Villa de Leyva, Colombia, July 31st to August 9th 2023.

2nd Workshop on Higher Structures in Algebra, Geometry, Topology and Physics took place at Universidad del Norte, February 27th- March 2nd 2023.

Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Spectral Theory. I co-organized together with Olaf Post (University of Trier), David Sher (DePaul University) and Monika Winklmeier (Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá). This was a hybrid workshop will be that took place online and at Casa Matematica, Oaxaca, in August 2022. We have created this homepage to give more information about it.

I co-organized a Virtual Mini Workshop in Geometric Analysis together with Jean Carlos Cortissoz. This workshop took place in December 17-18, 2020. Here is a mirror site.

I was one of the organizers of the conference Spectral analysis on noncompact manifolds in Honor of Werner Müller’s 60th birthday.

Former projects, groups and networks

Grupo de Investigacion en Matematicas de la Universidad del Norte